Tandem in Vienna - Practice German, English or Spanish with a Tandem-Buddy
Fill in the Form to be connected with another Tandem-Buddy with similar interests and language level in Vienna.
You should expect to be connected within 2 weeks.

Fill in the Form and wait to be connected with a new Tandem-buddy
If you want to practice German, English, Spanish, italian or french, this is your place to find the correct buddy.
Once you submit your data, we will find a buddy that better fits you.

Registration for Tandem-Buddy in Vienna
How does it work?
Once you have sent the information about you, we will check who can be connected with you. We will take into account your level & the language you would like to learn, as well as your interests.
You should receive a Tandem-buddy within 14 days.
No, the program is completely free.
What makes Ikarus different from other Language Schools?
Ikarus Courses
The services from Ikarus
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Ecampus with more than 300 activities
Maximal 3 participants
Premium Materials
Ikarus Events
Translated songs
Trainers with more than 500 hours experience
Learn German in Spanish, English or Turkish
Free Coffee or Tea flatrate
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Premium Kurse
Other Language Schools
The services from Ikarus
More than 5 participants
Premium Materials
Translated songs
Trainers with more than 500 hours experience
Learn German in Spanish, English or Turkish
Coffee or Tea flatrate
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