German basic course for internationals
Sometimes you don’t need to know AKK, DAT or GEN.
What you need to know is to introduce yourself, ask to get a coffee to go or to explain how your daily life looks like.
For that you don’t need an A1 course. An A2 course is also not necessary.
You need a course that focus on real life situations. And that’s what you are going to learn in this course.

What is this German 8 Week course for internationals?
It’s very difficult to find a German Course that focus on the important thing: being able to communicate in the daily life in German speaking country.
That’s why we created this course.
To speak the useful German in your daily life.

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Do I need this course?
It depends on your Time, Motivation and your goal
This is your course if:
You are very motivated to learn but have:
- You are studying or doing an internship
- A full time job
But you are able to focus at home, you are methodical and learn strictly following the instructions of the teacher.
What I am going to learn in the Basic Course?
Lesson 1
- Introduce yourself (sich vorstellen)
- Smalltalk
- Basic Verbs
- Pronouns
- Länder
- Sprachen
- Nationalitäten
Lesson 2
- Einen Tageslauf beschreiben (describe your daily life)
- Trennbare Verben
- Wohnungssuche
- Studium
- Uhrzeit (the time)
- Zahlen
Lesson 3
- Vorbereitung zur Party (get ready for a party)
- Beim Abendessen (having dinner)
- Order in German
- Modalverbs (Möchten, mögen, können, müssen, wollen)
Lesson 4
- Sich ausführlich ausdrücken für eine Reise (Express yourself in detail for a trip)
- Eine Reise planen (plan a trip)
- Präpositionen auf Deutsch
- Mit den Öffis fahren (By tram, by train, by bus…)
Lesson 5
- Von einer Reise erzählen (explain about your last trip)
- Perfekt (Present Perfect in German)
Lesson 6
- Real Situation examples
- In the train
- Paying a German Course
- Asking for more information
- Approaching somebody to ask about her/his social media
- Make a joke in German & brake the ice
Lesson 7
- Where? Use prepositions to explain where something is.
- Where? Most common places to go
- Why can’t you come? Explain your feelings
Lesson 8
- Test
Basic information about the 8 weeks Basic German Course in Vienna
- 7.10.2024
- 7.04.2025
- 6.10.2025
Deutsch A1
- Mondays or Wednesdays
- 18:00-20:00
8 Weeks
- 8 Weeks: 190€
A maximal of 6 participants are allowed to participate in the course
Yes, the access to the eCampus is included for the level you are learning.
You start a B1 German course
- You have access to the B1 eCampus during the time you are learning at Ikarus.
Yes, but vouchers can be only redeemed online.
You can only reserve a place by paying the fee of the course.
Sign up now for April
How do I proceed?
The first step is to get in touch. You can click on the button up there and then you will have 2 options. Either email us or call us, whatever is best for you.
No Books are necessary for this course.
You have to bring:
- pen & notebook
As soon as we have finished the course, you can send an email to so that you will receive your confirmation of participation by email.

Erwarten Sie von mir nichts übliches, sondern persönliche Beratung, persönliche Vorbereitung & persönliche Unterrichte.